
KNAK 2009 – 30 Best tracks of 2009


Music for Men


Heavy Cross

I’ll say it again. Beth Ditto is a force of nature! Her powerful voice (and personality) is up front and buy now amoxil online in your face, and I was blown away by this track.



Port O’Brien

My Will Is Good

San Francisco’s Port O’Brien released one of my favorite albums of the year. This track has the same raw quality as their pots-and-pans masterpiece “I Woke Up Today”, but with more of a folk-americana vibe with layered guitars.


Two Dancers

Wild Beasts

All The King’s Men

Lead vocalist Hayden Thorpe’s theatrical falsetto weaves throughout this standout track from British trio Wild Beast’s sophomore LP, but it’s the backup baritone vocals and shimmering guitars that really stick with you. Wild Beasts is a band to watch.


Miike Snow

Miike Snow


When this danceable electronic single was released on the Internet in early spring, it caused a bit of a sensation, partially because nobody knew who Miike (pronounced mee-ee-keh) Snow was. They are a trio of producers (two from sweden, one from nyc) who typically back other groups, and the online release was part of their way to build buzz for their upcoming LP. It worked for me…. and I like a lot of tracks off the LP, including “Burial”, “Black & Blue”, and “Cult Logic”, but this lead single makes it into my top 10. If I had a list for remixes, I’d surely include Miike’s Snow incredible remix of Vampire Weekend’s The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance. It’s fantastic.


No More Stories…


Introducing Palace Players

The group from Denmark gets two into my top 30. I hear more from this track with every listen…. starting with the minor key guitar riff and meandering into a full atmospheric prog-like sound that belies that the eriacta fsbomethod.com band is only a foursome. plus, the video features a floating black laser cube!


The Recordings of The Middle East

The Middle East


This is a stunningly beautiful track from a group out of Queensland, Australia. The haunting vocals are backed by myriad instrumentation yet it somehow sounds sparse. The lightly sung vocal runs interspersed with the rapid xylophone accompaniment is the perfect end to this song. The video is equally beautiful.


Bitte Orca

Dirty Projectors

Stillness Is The Move

It took seven albums for Dave Longstreth’s Dirty Projectors to really break through, partly evolving from what some might say was an experimental outlet to a more accessible band. This standout single features three female vocalists laying out lyrics over a tribal drum beat. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself singing along to the chorus. Check out the beautifully shot video that shows me how much I miss the era of the Music Video.



The Antlers


This heart-wrenchingly beautiful track is just one of many on Hospice, one of my favorite albums of the year. Antlers is led by guitarist/vocalist Peter Silberman, who isolated himself in Brooklyn for two years while he wrote this album. The video below is of a live in-studio performance the band did for LaundroMatinee.



Passion Pit

Little Secrets

Passion Pit delivers a joyously celebratory track on their wonderful first LP. This soaring track will have you up and dancing in no time, and then the children’s choir will kick in to bring you “higher and higher” with a smile on your face. I’m not sure what to think of this space-themed video the sale 24 h generic viagra band released, but this song is definitely a highlight of their live performances, and it’s number 2 on my list.


Merriweather Post Pavilion

Animal Collective

My Girls

When I looked back at what I listened to most in 2009, I was surprised at first to find this ridiculously catchy track from the east coast’s famously experimental foursome right at the top. After all, singing about wanting a simple domestic life (“I don’t mean to seem like I care about material things like social status. I just want four walls and adobe slats for my girls.”) doesn’t sound like a formula for an infectious track. But combine it with the shimmering synth tracks and highly melodic vocals, and you have my favorite song of 2009.

And to summarize with a neat and nolvadex pharmacy tidy list you can consume in one shot on the next page.

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