Apple iTunes Store
Apple has seen fit to eliminate the iMix, and has replaced it with Ping playlists. I’m happy we can share playlists on Ping now, but as a result of this change, there apparently is no longer a way to cialis embed a playlist widget on order cheap kamagra canada the web or even preview it outside of iTunes. One step forward, two steps back.
But if you want to see this playlist on iTunes, you can do so at: While you’re at it, follow me on Ping!
Amazon MP3 Store
Oh, how I want to love rdio. But it only has 18 of my top 30 tracks, and is buy uk glucophage missing so many albums. How can it not even have the Arcade Fire and kamagra Vampire Weekend albums?
Update: Rdio just gained rights to a number of indie labels, which now means they have 25 of these tracks available. (as of 1/11/2011)
DNAK 2010 on rdio.
You can also listen to all of buy viagra 60 pills the songs for free on, on
I am in an indie music mood (dnak 2010).
Here comes a Spotify list of the tracks that were available (In sweden)
Oh an the link
Thanks for the discount online flagyl Spotify list. Wish they would hurry up and launch in the USA!